
Premium Farmed Atlantic Cod

Gadus morhua

Whole cod (HOG) and skinless, boneless fillets - farmed by Norcod

Norcod is naturally bred to grow a smaller head and produce a larger yield, 8% higher, than the wild Cod.

  • All-natural - Raised in the cod’s natural environment 

  • Ultra-fresh & Ultra-fast turnaround time from harvest to delivery 

  • Firm flesh - Firmer texture than wild-caught Cod 

  • Bright white - White meat with an even consistency and color

  • Prime condition - No skin abrasions from hooks or nets 

  • Clean flavor - Authentic, delicate and clean flavor

Fish Uses & Specs

Norcod is a truly versatile fish that is equally at home in fine restaurants and home kitchens. It tastes great grilled, baked, cooked, fried, cured, or salted.

Available in the following formats:

  • whole HOG - 2 to 4 kg

  • skinless and boneless fillets 8-12 oz, 12-16 oz and 16-32 oz

Feeding - Rearing Norcod

High-quality nutrients are vital to keep the cod healthy and thriving while ensuring a balanced growth. Norcod’s feed contains high levels of marine proteins and lipids, it’s completely natural and easy to digest.

Animal welfare 

The welfare of these raised North Atlantic Cod is of uppermost importance. The fish are reared in clear Norwegian waters, in a similar environment as wild-living cod. The main difference is the ability to harvest and process the cod much quicker. The cod are treated to natural and highly digestible feed that ensures a well-balanced growth while fulfilling all its nutritional requirements

Feed content: Protein: 48-56% (80-90% marine origin) • Fat: 18-22% (100% marine origin) 

Norcod’s feed is based on high-quality ingredients with a high share of marine-based content. All the feed comes from sustainable produce. The current FCR is 1.1 with trials resulting in a FCR as low as 1.007.

During the on-rearing period cod are usually fed on extruded dry feeds, very similar to those used in the farming of salmonids. However, cod need a higher protein to fat ratio when compared with salmon and do not utilize carbohydrates effectively. A typical on-growing feed for cod has a protein/fat/carbohydrate ratio of approximately 50/15/10. (Source: The Fish Site)

Norcod’s farmed cod is raised in its natural habitat in the cold Norwegian fjords without any use of GMOs or antibiotics.

Responsible Farming
Norcod is the world's first dedicated cod-farming operation to secure GlobalGAP Aquaculture standard certification. Since its inception GlobalGAP has served to build trust and integrity in agricultural practice generally, and is now the most widely accepted private-sector food safety certification in the world. The organization seeks to unite farmers and food producers in meeting the world’s growing food demand in a responsible fashion.

Additionally, Norcod is in the process of securing ASC certification for responsible aquaculture practices relating to environmental impacts, workers’ rights, and local engagements.

Downloadable Information Sheet

Thick and meaty farmed cod with pearly white flesh.