Dungeness Crab

Hand Picked & Hand Packed

from the Northern California Coast

Metacarcinus magister

1 lb. Trays consisting of: Leg Meat 50%, Claw Meat 25%, Body Meat 25%

1 lb. Trays consisting of: Leg Meat 50%, Claw Meat 25%, Body Meat 25%

Buena Vista Seafood is proud to offer Hand Picked & Hand Packed Dungeness Crab

in 1 lb trays.

Dungeness crab can live between 8–13 years and reach a size of 10-plus inches.Within 2-3 years, crabs are sexually active. At 4-5 years, they have grown to the legal harvest size (6 ¼ across the shell and 2-3 pounds in weight).

Dungeness crab can live between 8–13 years and reach a size of 10-plus inches.

Within 2-3 years, crabs are sexually active. At 4-5 years, they have grown to the legal harvest size (6 ¼ across the shell and 2-3 pounds in weight).

Our crab is trapped wild off the Northern California Coast. It is first cooked live, then hand picked and hand packed. Because Anna, our sourcing partner, makes a large number of crab cakes during the season she packs the trays with 50% leg meat, 25% claw and 25% body meat. Consequently, our trays have a higher percentage of leg meat when compared to other products.

Our crab retails a fresh cooked texture as it is NOT canned. The trays are fresh picked and freshly packed, then shipped to customers.